Press / TV
Press Review
Marc Wallert as a Talk Guest, Crisis, and Resilience Expert in TV, Radio, and Print - a Selection.
"Entführer von Familie Wallert zu 40 Jahren Haft verurteilt"
22.10.2024 | Tagesschau (Online)
Bericht über die Verurteilung der Entführer von Familie Wallert
"Marc Wallert spricht über Geiselnahme und spätes Urteil"
22.10.2024 | TV-Interview
Marc Wallert über die Verurteilung der Entführer und den Prozess

"Resilienz ist wie ein Muskel der trainiert wird"
31.03.2024 | Online
Marc Wallert im Interview mit dem stern

"The hope dies last."
22.06.2023 | TV-Interview
Marc Wallert in an interview about the submarine crisis on Sat.1 Breakfast Television
"They threatened us with beheading."
18.01.2023 | Online
"Feature about Marc Wallert in Focus Online series 'The Survivors'"
"The Art of Not Losing Your Head"
24.09.2022 | Print
Newspaper article about a lecture by Marc Wallert in Göttingen

"Dealing with the Crisis"
23.03.2022 | Radio
Expert Interview with Marc Wallert on Dealing with the Mental Aspects of the Ukraine Crisis
"We also had some laughs"
11.03.2022 | E-Paper
"Interview with Marc Wallert in ZEIT-SPRACHEN Special 'Emotions'"
"War in Ukraine: Dealing with Fear"
25.02.2022 | TV-Interview
"Live Connection with Resilience Expert Marc Wallert on ARD Buffet"
"The worst thing is to sugarcoat crises."
08.02.2022 | Print & Online
Interview with Marc Wallert in Kleine Zeitung (Austria)
"I would have fallen apart if I were alone."
13.01.2022 | Print & Online
Interview on the topic of "Happiness & Money" in the business section of ZEIT
"Drawing New Strength from the Kidnapping"
31.11.2021 | Radio
"Marc Wallert on Resilience in the Podcast 'Im Gespräch' (Deutschlandfunk Kultur)"
"Kidnapped: The Fate of the Wallert Family"
21.11.2021 | TV story
Report about the kidnapping of the Wallert family on Spiegel TV.
"Positive Thinking Can Be Deadly"
01.10.2021 | Podcast
Marc Wallert in Conversation on the Mindshift Podcast (Handelsblatt)
"Make a Wish!"
October 2020 | Magazine
Article on the Power of Wishes with Marc Wallert
Preview of the print article
(Edition 10/2020)
"In Crises Lies Magic"
16.09.2020 | Magazine & Online
Article About Resilience with Marc Wallert
Article on
(Magazine „Zeit for Entrepreneurs“,
No. 3/2020)
"Crisis Manager Marc Wallert"
04.09.2020 | Talkshow
Marc Wallert in Conversation at WDR Kölner Treff
Report on (from minute 1:18:00)
"Retro: Kidnapping of the Wallert Family"
24.08.2020 | TV report
TV Report on the Kidnapping of the Wallert Family on ZDF hallo Deutschland

NDR DAS! with Marc Wallert
28.06.2020 | TV report
TV report on Marc Wallert on NDR DAS!

zibb with Marc Wallert
13.05.2020 | TV report
"Marc Wallert as a guest on RBB 'At Home in Berlin & Brandenburg'"

"Accepting the Situation as It Is"
12.05.2020 | TV report
Marc Wallert on ZDF Mittagsmagazin

Conversation time with Marc Wallert
23.04.2020 | Radio interview
Marc Wallert in an interview on Radio Bremen Gesprächszeit
"Not just Coronavirus"
18.04.2020 | TV report
TV interview with Marc Wallert on SRF 1 (Switzerland)

hr maintower with Marc Wallert
15.04.2020 | TV report
TV report on Marc Wallert on hr maintower
"The Uplifter"
04.04.2020 | Book Review
Book review of "Strength Through Crises" in Stern Kulturtipps
Rating: 4/5 Sterne

"Strategies of a Former Hostage"
02.04.2020 | TV report
"TV Report about Marc Wallert on MDR artour"

Interview on RTL Luxemburg
30.03.2020 | Radio interview
Interview with Marc Wallert
"It is extremely important to switch quickly and to accept."
28.03.2020 | Radio
Marc Wallert in conversation on DLF Kultur LESART
"I realized: This is about survival."
26.03.2020 | Newspaper & Online
Article on Marc Wallert

Sat.1-Frühstücksfernsehen with Marc Wallert
24.03.2020 | TV conversation
Interview with Marc Wallert

"What's going on when nothing is going on"
23.03.2020 | Radio
Interview with Marc Wallert
"Especially helpful is a dual-track way of thinking"
22.03.2020 | Newspaper
Interview with Marc Wallert
"140 Days of Hostage Captivity in a Book"
22.03.2020 | Newspaper & Online
"Article on the Book Release 'Strength Through Crises'"
3nach9 with Marc Wallert
20.03.2020 | Talkshow
"Giovanni di Lorenzo speaks, among other things, with Marc Wallert about the 'Crisis Hostage'"
"How to Process 140 Days of Hostage Captivity"
15.03.2020 | Newspaper & Online
"Article on the Book Release 'Strength Through Crises'"
"The Idyll Collapsed"
15.03.2020 | Newspaper & Online
"Article on the Book Release 'Strength Through Crises'"
"Belief in a Good Outcome Is Important"
Marc Wallert in conversation with Liane von Billerbeck
SWR Nachtcafé "Captive“
26.04.2019 | Talkshow
"Michael Steinbrecher Talks with Marc Wallert About Captivity"
Before 2019
"Locked up abroad - Malaysia"
06.10.2008 | Video report
Report by National Geographic on the kidnapping in the year 2000
Report on Vimeo (Englisch)
Tagesschau: 'Release of Hostage Marc Wallert'"
09.09.2000 | TV report
Tagesschau on the Hostage Release of Marc Wallert on September 9, 2000
Tagesschau: "Tourists Kidnapped"
24.04.2000 | TV report
Tagesschau on the Kidnapping of the Wallert Family on April 24, 2000