Marc Wallert
Keynote Speaker
Marc Wallert
Keynote Speaker
As seen on

Marc Wallert knows what he is talking about.
Marc survived 140 days as a hostage in the Philippine jungle. Today, he "kidnaps" people on a unique lecture tour that gets under their skin and gives them courage.
In the jungle, you and your guests will master incredible challenges and experience the mental power called resilience. A special highlight for events whose guests expect positive impulses.
Incidentally, Marc's virtual presentations are just as lively as his stage appearances. Thanks to modern studio technology, you can immerse yourself in the jungle alongside him. Almost like in the movies, only live and interactive.
Marc's keynote is much more than just a talk about resilience. It is a gripping experience that touches people and inspires them for their everyday lives.
About Marc

Marc Wallert is Germany's best-known resilience expert and TOP100 keynote speaker. He encourages people with his story and, according to STERN, is known as "The Upsetter".
At the age of 27, Marc Wallert survived a kidnapping by the Philippine terrorist group Abu Sayyaf. Today, he shares his kidnapping experience from 20 weeks in the jungle with his leadership experience from 20 years as a manager.
His SPIEGEL bestseller "Strength Through Crises" made him famous on radio and television. His talks have a lasting effect on people because they are authentically told and scientifically sound.
Marc Wallert is a passionate pioneer of virtual keynotes in cinema format. He gives talks around the world and is virtually "as close as if he were there". Goosebumps!
Custom-tailored Resilience Keynote
Whether as a live Keynote Speaker on your stage or virtually around the world: Marc retells his story anew and vividly each time by especially considering the perspective of your guests. This way, you travel not only through the Philippine jungle but also through the jungle of your everyday life. Each talk is a unique piece for your audience.
Here you can get an impression of Marc's keynote:
Marc Wallert's
Press Reviews
Do You Know This?
Trapped in a Perpetual Crisis
Climate, Corona, War, Artificial Intelligence, Inflation, Energy, Supply Chains, Skilled Labor Shortage, ...
What else, please?
Crises are the new "normal". They overlap, and we talk about a "polycrisis". The changes come so suddenly and are so drastic that some threaten to lose their heads. Here helps ResilienceIt is the answer to perhaps the greatest mental challenge of the future.
How can one remain mentally strong in difficult times and even grow from crises?
Fear of the Future | Stress from Change
You and your team are facing major challenges or are already in the midst of the change process. Employees feel stressed and insecure. Many long for the "good old days" instead of bravely moving towards the future. Somehow the new vision is communicated a lot, but little lived. Now it is time for leaders to reach their teams not only in the head but also in the heart.
How do I mobilize people for a great vision?
Keynotes - Much WOW, Little HOW
Who isn't familiar with the boring frontal presentations in a meeting room atmosphere? In contrast, keynotes on the big stage are usually professionally pointed and often elicit enthusiasm in the audience – WOW! But back in the office, the highlight from the keynote event quickly fades into the reality of everyday life. What's missing here is the "HOW".
How do I transfer what I've heard into my daily life?
Keynote Speaker Cancels - What Now?
A nightmare for event organizers. The event is planned for months and prepared with passion. As a highlight, a unique speaker with a promising keynote is booked and widely announced. The guests are highly anticipative. Then, shortly before the start, the bad news: the speaker cancels! Guests disappointed, host stressed. And now?
What can I do to successfully carry out my event even without the speaker?
Impulses for resilience & events
Mental stark und krisenfest – so geht’s!
In Krisenzeiten brauchen Menschen Resilienz, die innere Kraft bei Belastungen von außen. Die gute Nachricht: Wir können sie gezielt trainieren. Warum das gerade jetzt so wichtig ist und wie es freudig gelingt, lesen sie hier: Die Welt im Krisenmodus,...
Über die Resilienz – ein Konzept mit Chancen und Risiken
Hier finden Sie Antworten auf die Fragen: Was ist eigentlich Resilienz? Gibt es eine genaue Resilienz Definition? Kann man Resilienz trainieren? Gibt es Risiken bei Resilienz? Was ist eigentlich Resilienz? Krisen sind anstrengend. Sie verlangen uns viel...
"Beautiful Waiting" - Free the Hostage Within You!
Months have passed since my last blog post. Was it because I was too lazy? On the contrary! I have been exceptionally busy, preparing for both my professional and private future. There's much beauty to come! Stay tuned – I will report in more detail in the coming months.
Mental stark und krisenfest – so geht’s!
In Krisenzeiten brauchen Menschen Resilienz, die innere Kraft bei Belastungen von außen. Die gute Nachricht: Wir können sie gezielt trainieren. Warum das gerade jetzt so wichtig ist und wie es freudig gelingt, lesen sie hier: Die Welt im Krisenmodus,...
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