Statements begeisterter Kundinnen und Kunden
Tanya Winstanley
Griffiths & Armour | Partner
„What an incredible keynote!“
Martin Bott
ERNI Germany | Managing Director
„Marcs Keynote wird auch nach einem Jahr noch oft in Gesprächen referenziert – vielen Dank dafür!“
[Anm.: Rückmeldung 1 Jahr nach Veranstaltung]
Kerstin Dähne
thyssenkrupp Steel | Head of Development & Recruiting
„Marc Wallert versteht es meisterhaft, die Zuhörer seiner Vorträge mitzunehmen. Sein innovatives Online-Format ermöglicht das virtuelle Eintauchen in seine Geschichte – sehr beeindruckend.
Er vermittelt die Themen „Resilienz-Entwicklung“ und „Krisenbewältigung“ packend und persönlich, gleichzeitig für die Zuhörer nachvollziehbar und anwendbar.
Sie suchen einen Referenten, dessen Botschaften ankommen und hängen bleiben? Dann sind Sie bei Marc Wallert richtig!“
Sean Jackson
IMA Financial Group, Inc. | Managing Director Global Risk & Benefits
„Your presentation was inspiring and a true blessing.“
Ulrich Roth
Beirat-BW e.V. | Vorstand
„Im Rahmen unserer Netzwerkeventreihe Beirat-BW Clubhouse hatten wir Marc Wallert zu Gast. Sein Referat zu RESILIENZ faszinierte und fesselte unsere mehr als 150 Gäste und ermöglichte uns darauf aufbauend eine spannende Diskussion darüber, wie Persönlichkeiten und Unternehmen Resilienz bei Krisen aufweisen können.“
Frank Voll
Gebr. KEMPER GmbH + Co. KG | Vertriebsleiter
„Dein Vortrag vor unseren 100 Vertrieblern war sehr authentisch und die Verknüpfung deiner damaligen Erfahrungen mit den aktuellen Krisen sehr plastisch und nachhaltig dargestellt. Vielen Dank für die Vorstellung Deiner Techniken, die jeder in seinen Alltag mit übernehmen sollte!
Nadine Otto
Gundlach Bau- und Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG | Geschäftsführerin
„Wir haben Marc zum traditionellen Neujahrsempfang virtuell hinzugeschaltet und waren begeistert. Das Format hat super funktioniert! Auch die gemeinsame Vorbereitung war hervorragend und hat Spaß gemacht. Ein rundum professionelles Gesamtpaket.“
Troy Johnson
Assurex Global | Senior Vice President – Multinational Business Development
“Your session was excellent, Marc. Thank you for sharing your story with us.“
Mathias Hartmann
Diakoneo KdöR | Vorstandsvorsitzender
„Marc hat uns bei unserem Jahresempfang mit auf seine Reise durch den Dschungel genommen. Am Ende seines Vortrags zog er Parallelen zu den Herausforderungen der aktuellen VUCA-Welt und wie man auch diese bewältigen kann, ohne dabei „den Kopf zu verlieren“. Danke für diesen mitreißenden Vortrag!“
Barbara Rossié
Süddeutscher Verlag Veranstaltungen GmbH | Externe Projektleiterin Produktion
„Marcs Keynote war der perfekte Abschluss für den Montagskongress.“
Fernando Duarte
JOÃO MATA Insurance Consulting | General Manager
„His lecture is truly inspiring and the learnings will be for life.“
Eckart Seitter
Vincotech GmbH | CEO
„Im Rahmen unseres diesjährigen Global Management Meetings entschieden wir uns, das Thema „Resilienz und Resiliente Führung“ besonders zu beleuchten. In seiner eindrucksvollen Keynote „Stronger together with a resilient Leadership Team“ nahm uns Marc mit auf seine Entführung in den Dschungel. Gleichzeitig schuf er Paralleln in die heutige Arbeitswelt und konkret zu unserem Unternehmen. In der anschließenden offenen Diskussion erhielten die Teilnehmer viele weitere Denk- und Handlungsanstöße, wie Resilienz im (Berufs-) Alltag gelebt werden kann und wie wir durch Krisen gestärkt hervorgehen können. Vielen Dank für den wertvollen Input, Marc!“
Jochen Haug
Allianz Insurance AG | Executive Board
"We had invited Mr. Wallert to our leadership conference with about 60 participants.
Mr. Wallert manages in a remarkable way to transfer the core messages and success factors of his exciting (survival) story individually to the current challenges of a team – and this in an absolutely authentic, intense, yet entertaining manner. In a constantly and rapidly changing world, with a multitude of challenges and crises, this presentation is an optimal opportunity to obtain methods and thought-provoking impulses for managing complex situations. There are indeed moments of surprise, and humor is not neglected either."
Karsta Goetze
W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH | Managing Director
"Authentic, inspiring, and on an equal footing, that's how we can describe our digital journey with Marc Wallert. For an hour, we as the audience were in the jungle, became part of Marc's experiences and actions, with which he gave us numerous good suggestions for mastering our own crises and for resilience. At the same time, as a speaker, he was so well prepared for our corporate culture that we perceived him as part of our community. Thank you for these emotional goosebump moments."
Dr. Dirk Linzmeier
OSRAM Continental | CEO
"Marc Wallert succeeds in his presentation in drawing understandable parallels between his past extreme situation and the business world. This way, he quickly builds a connection with the participants and can convey important impulses – he has inspired us and stimulated our thinking!"
Hayley Farrell
Acardis | Global Wellbeing & Resilience Manager
„Marc attended our global iBelong webinar series sharing his inspirational story about developing resilience through times of crisis. Marc came well prepared and aware of our Arcadis culture which developed immediate trust by all Arcadians. His unique and engaging storytelling helped translate his jungle experiences into the challenges faced in today’s uncertain climate and the importance of self-management in boosting resilience. We had an overwhelming response of questions from the audience demonstrating Marc’s captivating and relatable approach.“
Fransis Chadikun
BASF SE | Senior Vice President Industrial Petrochemicals
„ … strong consensus among my extended leadership team that Marc’s story echoes to our current situation, at home and at work! The team found it incredibly valuable, unforgettable, and very moving to all of us … “
Carsten Jungmann
JST Jungmann Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Geschäftsführer
"Marc Wallert took our audience into the jungle and offered impressive insights. He imparted valuable knowledge to the visitors for crisis management and contributed significantly to the successful start of the ko:mon Congress 2022!"
Anna Doss
Public Insurance Braunschweig | Human Resources Development Representative
"Charming, captivating, and absolutely motivating! Marc's touching story with many important core messages more than enthralled the audience and left a lasting impression. Even the recording of the lecture generated great interest in our company afterwards due to the enthusiasm. A highlight among the speakers and absolutely on point!"
Dr. Rupert Lindermayr
MSG life | Head of Human Resources
"We connected Marc Wallert virtually to our leadership meeting in Bonn – he spoke live with us as if he had been in the room, astonishing! His presentation and the subsequent question session were exactly what we had been looking for as a crowning conclusion to the conference. It was very well received by everyone."
Esther Schiltz
BASF SE | Head of Corporate Leadership and Development
"The virtual keynote with Marc was a great impulse, which Marc well aligned with our company values and culture. He touched us with his story without becoming emotional. This allowed him to reach our top executives with this important topic."
Stefan Frädrich
GEDANKENtanken / Greator | Founder and Managing Director
"Marc, you were a rocket! A quietly grand show..."
Natascha Scheer
PwC Germany | Health Management
"Marc not only inspired and motivated us with his presentation 'The Art of Not Losing Your Head', but also convinced us 100% with his authentic manner. His story is moving and despite its individuality, he managed to transfer the insights to our everyday work. Many thanks for this exceedingly inspiring lecture. We look forward to seeing you again!"
Frank Vogel
Ad Alliance GmbH | Manager
"We connected Marc Wallert virtually to our in-person conference in Cologne and were very impressed. His previously recorded lecture and the subsequent live connection touched and inspired us – as if he were there on site.„
Shelli Foster
Bayer U.S. LLC | Senior Director Study Audit Management
„Marc’s keynote was the perfect way to start of our 3 day virtual event. His strategies inspired our global audience to rethink how we face challenges both at work and in our personal lives. He made a lasting impression, bringing his experiences to life with his technical and story-telling abilities and relating them to our current challenges. He was easy to work with, professional and personable. 5 stars!“
Philipp Oswald
Siemens Energy | People & Learning Manager
„Marc has inspired our global team to think differently about their own experiences and approaches with stress and uncertainty. He has a unique story, tells it in a very human, authentic and thrilling way and has a great way of translating his experiences into relevant learnings for us. Highly recommendable!“
Willy Schittek
Vattenfall | Category Manager Vattenfall Procurement Heat
"Marc presented his story and its translation into 'everyday life' to our international team in an interesting way. Marc's presentation was the highlight of our conference. His input still resonates weeks later. Thank you, Marc!"
Franziska Langosch
HelloFresh | Senior People Support Specialist
„Marc is a very talented and inspiring speaker and his session had a strong connection to the business reality beyond his personal case.“
Georg Behlau
DFB e.V. | Head of National Team Management
"Marc Wallert, with his moving and authentic style, managed to inspire the participants of the Team Management Meet-up at the DFB Academy. His insights were repeatedly picked up even on the following day and were valuable for the event."
Antje Niehoff-Witt
DB Netz AG | Team Leader and IT Emergency Consulting
"An electrifying lecture that captivated the audience from the very first moment and provided many valuable insights for our work."
Robert Schneider
TAS AG | here: Event Moderator
"Marc, you were so close as if you were here, you touched and inspired all of us – and that on the screen! Very valuable, thank you very much!"
Annette Liebau
Allianz SE | Global Head of Leadership Academy
"Top lecture: Exciting, inspiring, and unforgettable. Marc Wallert's authentic storytelling reaches the audience's hearts, and his inspirations are absolutely relevant to everyday life. Both events with him were a complete success – highly recommended!"
Amir Ahari
Novartis Gene Therapies | Head Sourcing & Contract Mgmt EEMEA
„Marc attended our EMEA all Finance meeting virtually and told his gripping story demonstrating stunning parallels between survival tactics/strategies in the gloomy captivity and our current working life. The term frequently used as Agility get transformed from formality into an adventurous venture equipped with hope, power and belief in change, while we – ourselves – remain accountable for taking the best out of the change and challenge. A great thanks with the hope to meet again!“
Katja Hofmann
Mrs. Sporty GmbH | Academy & Communication Manager
"Our franchise partners were consistently thrilled with Marc Wallert's presentation. His insights were tailored specifically to our company and therefore especially motivating. We couldn't have imagined a better speaker."
Hansi Müller
Football legend
"Marc Wallert touches the audience with an incredible story that he delivers authentically and humorously – very inspiring!"
Petra Bernhard
Red Hat | Senior Marketing Manager Germany & Austria
"Marc Wallert's presentation was the highlight of our virtual Partner Kick Off 2021.
Marc has thrilled and inspired our participants with his authentic style – even virtually! Thank you for sharing your very personal story and experiences. A lecture that is still present in our minds weeks later and provides many good insights, especially during this special time of COVID-19."
Florian Sörensen
REWE Group | National Sales Manager nahkauf
"Excellent online presentation! Precise to the minute, extremely moving, and above all, perfectly tailored to the target audience. Thank you very much!"
Stefan Schürle
Andrena Objects AG | Board of Directors
"Marc Wallert's virtual keynote was a highlight in our anniversary year. A truly inspiring presentation – and that online!"
Rolf Werner
DB Netz AG | Head of Data Management and Time Management
"In his presentation for our team event, Marc took us into the Philippine jungle and showed us a path to 'Strength through Crises' through his jungle strategies. His authentic, captivating, and very moving presentation deeply touched all members of the team. Thank you for your words; we can highly recommend the presentation to everyone."
Michael Reich
Allianz LV AG | Head of Individual Insurance Business
"Marc Wallert 'kidnapped' us to the jungle as part of the annual kickoff meeting and, through his clever, sensitive, and concise presentation, showed the team the parallels to the current COVID-19 world. His authentic and close style, in particular, makes him a truly special lecture experience, and his book is a must-read for change managers in challenging times."
Sabine Falke
Rotonda Business Club, Düsseldorf
"Marc Wallert impressed with his presentation at our joint event of Rotonda Business Club and Manager Lounge. The feedback from the participants was not only evident through applause during the presentation but was also reflected to me multiple times afterward. A truly inspiring and convincing speaker!"
Frank Brueggink
Carfax Europe | Founder & Managing Director
"Marc enlightened us during our digitally conducted Christmas celebration due to COVID-19 with his inspiring presentation, revealing specific strategies on how our team can handle crisis situations. He was authentic, well-prepared, and answered our questions with honesty and provided interesting additional insights."
Panos Zarkadakis
Swisscom | Security Manager
"Thank you very much for your inspiring talk! You did an excellent job of translating your experiences and stories into our current situation, providing real value."
Manuel Loeffler
Dirk Rossmann GmbH | Corporate Health Project Manager
"Crises persist – for our society as well as for us as a company. It was brilliant to have Marc with us for a second time. Beyond the jungle, we delved into everyday topics related to crises, conflicts, and stress. With his authentic and warm-hearted manner, Marc managed to deliver a moving and genuine added value – just like in our first live talk."
Andreas Gnielka
Grossmann & Berger | Management Residential
"What a story! And what one can make of destiny! – The fascinating presentation goes deeper and doesn't just scratch the surface! Everyone can learn something from Mr. Wallert's life! Fantastic!"
Jennifer Entzminger
ERNI | People Unit Leader
"The entire preparation from the first contact to the event and beyond was fascinatingly uncomplicated and easy. The event itself was great. There were even a few people afterwards who said to me, 'Oh, when we heard that a keynote speaker was coming, we were initially skeptical because they often exaggerate and seem so unauthentic.' And even these skeptics you convinced, and they were thrilled!"
Stefan Welb
Sanitätshaus Welb | Founder & Owner
"The reactions of our customers are still overwhelming even after weeks. Great presentation!!!"
Marina Tiedau
WDR | Health Management
"Moving, entertaining, inspiring, and filled with many parallels and insights for navigating life in the everyday jungle. Marc succeeded in delivering his positive insights to our employees in a lively and, above all, authentic online presentation. Thank you for the great lecture and the subsequent exchange."
Christof Kemény
Lufthansa CityLine | Trainer & Flight Examiner
"In March 2020, air travel came to a standstill while Marc Wallert made a wonderful touchdown with his book "Stark durch Krisen" (Strong Through Crises). In our podcast for pilots, Marc Wallert encouraged us with his experiences and insights, provided guidance, and showed new ways for us to strengthen our resilience during this crisis."
Birthe Christiansen
BCM Academy GmbH | Managing Director
"In 2020, we were fortunate to welcome Marc Wallert – an impressive personality with an impressive story. While he delivers his keynote, you could hear a pin drop... The participants of our BCM Summit were consistently thrilled by Marc Wallert's moving presentation – it was chosen by the attendees as the "best presentation" of the event! Rightly so – because it was a special added value how Marc Wallert managed to translate his jungle strategies into the business world and the daily lives of the audience. Thank you very much!"
Dr. Hans J. Kienzl
Südtiroler Bauernbund | Head of Marketing "Roter Hahn"
"Genius! Marc Wallert has conveyed the most important thing to our 'Holiday on the Farm' businesses in the midst of the crisis: courage and confidence. It's a gift that he shares his unique experience in such a valuable way."
Daniela Lange
Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg | Project Manager Jobcenter
"Thank you very much for the lively presentation and the fascinating perspective on the topic from your point of view, which has captured our interest exactly. [...] With your input, you provided us with valuable insights into protective factors that help us navigate the crisis successfully. The practical exercises for rediscovering optimism were also fantastic – the enthusiasm of the conference guests lingered for a long time!
By the way, we are very glad that we were able to experience your contribution before the coronavirus disrupted everything. Against this backdrop, your exercises from the mini-workshop take on an entirely different practical significance for dealing with our own everyday lives, through which we want to emerge healthy and strong in the upcoming challenging times!"
Martin Spütz
Mastermind Movement | Co-Founder
"Storytelling as an effective method of conveying content is on everyone's lips. And Marc Wallert has an incredible story to tell! His presentation at the MASTERMIND MOVEMENT Lounge left participants speechless and deeply moved. We hung on his every word because we simply couldn't imagine what it must be like to survive in the jungle for weeks, threatened by machetes. Of course, one can wonder what such an extreme experience has to do with our business everyday life. Marc promptly and clearly provided us with the answer: The lessons and insights he drew from this experience can be directly applied to our daily lives – and they are different from what we expected. Marc is an inspiring speaker who charmingly, humorously, and admirably eloquently conveys his story and practical recommendations. The Mastermind Community talked about this experience for a long time."
Anja Danisewitsch
Copywriter & Journalist
"I got to know Marc Wallert as a journalist. I can still remember how inspired I was after our interview. He is one of the people I most enjoy writing about: open, communicative, and willing to talk about his experiences to make a difference in the world. When I saw Marc Wallert live on stage some time later, I experienced him as authentically as during our first meeting. And one thing I definitely learned from him is the difference between mere positive thinking and goal-oriented optimism that keeps you capable of taking action. Thank you, Marc, for that, and all the best for your future journey."
Björn Dosdall
Dirk Rossmann GmbH | Head of Personnel and Organizational Development
"We invited Marc Wallert to our hybrid live talk format at the ROSSMANN headquarters in June 2020. The combination of a personal interview and a lecture was followed by employees in the livestream. The feedback was excellent: 'Inspiring,' 'Authentic,' 'Exciting' – and of course, very helpful during this crisis period. The positive impulses continued to have an impact in our day-to-day business for a long time. We are already looking forward to our 2nd event with Marc Wallert!"
Olaf Feuerstein
Hotel FREIZEIT IN | Managing Partner
"Marc Wallert convinces as a speaker with an exciting story – and, through his authentic and open style, virtually takes his audience on the journey. In the captivating description of his more than 4-month-long hostage situation with the Abu Sayyaf, he reveals surprising parallels between the daily life of kidnapping and leadership. How to become strong through crises? Marc Wallert sets the example..."
Julia Roskowetz
Childcare Worker
"I attend many training sessions, including those on resilience, and your presentation has been the best so far! I was able to take away a lot of positive insights for myself and my daily life. It was clear that you not only wanted to share your story but also to pass on your experiences. That touched me deeply. Thank you very much!"
Michael Thenner
blaueQuelle Advertising Agency | Owner
"I have already arranged for Marc Wallert to speak to our clients twice, and both times the feedback was absolutely enthusiastic. A fresh, unspoiled type who, from his own terrible and therefore authentic life experience of a 140-day kidnapping, conveys the ever-relevant topic of crisis management in (his) own unique way."
Astrid Lätsch
Systemic Coach
"Authentic, open, and captivating! Rarely has a speaker managed to captivate me with their words as Marc Wallert did. He told his experiences in an incomparably authentic way and skillfully linked them to theory, making it more than tangible. From the first word to the last, it was an exciting and, despite the moving topic, a humorous presentation from which I could take away a lot for myself. Thanks to his vivid language, I can still draw from the content today and actually apply it in my daily life. In conclusion: more thrilling than the cinema, more informative than the news, and wonderfully refreshing and authentic. Thank you for the abduction from everyday life into your story. Best of luck in the future! I will gladly come back!"
Prof. Dr. Meik Friedrich
University Weserbergland | Financial Management & Risk Management
"Marc Wallert tells his gripping story and draws surprising parallels between survival strategies in the jungle and the modern workplace - eye-opening and absolutely helpful!"
Jürgen Dluzniewski
Founder of the Essence Model
"März 2020: The air travel came to a halt, while Marc Wallert demonstrated a wonderful touchdown with his book 'Strong Through Crises.' In our podcast for pilots, Marc Wallert encouraged us with his experiences and insights, giving us the courage, orientation, and new ways to strengthen our resilience during this crisis."