Marc Wallert

Keynote Speaker
Goosebumps Experiences

Marc Wallert

Keynote Speaker
Goosebumps Experiences

As seen

Marc Wallert is a kidnapping survivor, bestselling author, and Keynote Speaker.

Under the theme "Strong Through Crises," Marc Wallert takes his listeners straight into the Philippine jungle – but he also brings them back out! With him by your side, you'll master unique challenges and experience the power of mental strength known as resilience.

His virtual keynotes are just as lively as his stage performances. Thanks to modern studio technology, you dive live into the jungle with Marc Wallert.

Marc's keynote is much more than just a talk about resilience. It's a gripping journey through his talk that gets under your skin and empowers you noticeably.

Profilbild von Autor Marc Wallert im Wald ernst quer

About Marc

Profilbild von Autor Marc Wallert im Wald ernst quer

Marc Wallert is Germany's most renowned resilience expert. He strengthens people in dealing with stress or crises and is regarded by STERN as "the Up-Lifter" (STERN 15/2020).).

At the age of 27, Marc Wallert survived as a hostage for 140 days in the Philippine jungle. Twenty years later, he "kidnaps" his readers and listeners on a captivating journey. He shares his tried-and-tested survival strategies that help you navigate through the jungle of life and business.

His SPIEGEL bestseller "Strength Through Crises" is a "travel guide for life" to many. His lectures are emotionally moving and sustainably inspiring. Authentically narrated, scientifically substantiated.

By the way, Marc Wallert is a passionate professional for online keynotes. As a virtual Keynote Speaker, he has already taken over 100,000 listeners into the jungle – and brought them back again!

Custom-tailored Resilience Keynote

Whether as a live Keynote Speaker on your stage or virtually around the world: Marc retells his story anew and vividly each time by especially considering the perspective of your guests. This way, you travel not only through the Philippine jungle but also through the jungle of your everyday life. Each talk is a unique piece for your audience.

Let yourself be inspired by the following three example keynotes that Marc has developed together with clients.

Strength Through Crises:
The Art of Not Losing Your Head



How to avoid paralysis and accept challenges



How to stay positive and strong in the toughest situations


Stress Competence

Why overly positive thinking can be deadly and when stress helps


Acting Together

How to get out of victimhood and into active shaping, in a strong alliance

Bild vom Dschungel mit Text Dschungelstrategien für die Digitale Transformation

What We Learn About Leadership from a Kidnapping



How to remain a shaper despite chaos



How to bring a vision to life and why optimism alone is not a solution



How to constructively use conflicts



Why teams in the VUCA jungle need leadership, not boss behavior

Baum im Wind mit Text "Stark durch Krisen" - Marc Wallert

Strength Through Crises:
Developing Resilience



How to keep a cool head and stay strong in difficult times


Rising Again

How to regain strength after setbacks



How to seize opportunities and emerge strengthened from crises


Staying Flexible

When it's better not to be a comeback kid

Press Reviews


„Marc Wallert makes people courageous"


"The Up-Lifter"


“Marc Wallert knows how to grow through crises”


“This man knows how to deal with crises”

Book Marc Wallert for your event!

Here you will find not a standard keynote speaker but an expert for unique event experiences.

Your guests can look forward to unforgettable goosebump moments that are relevant to their everyday life and therefore inspire sustainably. This is no surprise, because in advance, we will tailor the keynote to your guests and goals.

Organizers appreciate the "professional and friendly collaboration, from the first meeting to the event day and the follow-up," as the typical customer feedback.

We look forward to getting to know you personally!

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Impulses for resilience & events

Wie Sie Krisen in Chancen verwandeln können

Wie Sie Krisen in Chancen verwandeln können

Juhu, die Normalität ist zurück! Zumindest weitgehend. Wie lange das so bleibt, wissen wir zwar nicht (Stichwort "Delta-Variante"), aber für den Moment ist es so. Ist damit alles wieder gut? Oder kann es nicht vielleicht sogar besser werden als vorher?   Die...

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Do You Know This?

Trapped in a Perpetual Crisis

Climate, Corona, War, Artificial Intelligence, Inflation, Energy, Supply Chains, Skilled Labor Shortage, ...
What else, please?

Crises are the new "normal". They overlap, and we talk about a "polycrisis". The changes come so suddenly and are so drastic that some threaten to lose their heads. Here helps resilienceIt is the answer to perhaps the greatest mental challenge of the future.

How can one remain mentally strong in difficult times and even grow from crises?

Fear of the Future | Stress from Change

You and your team are facing major challenges or are already in the midst of the change process. Employees feel stressed and insecure. Many long for the "good old days" instead of bravely moving towards the future. Somehow the new vision is communicated a lot, but little lived. Now it is time for leaders to reach their teams not only in the head but also in the heart. 

How do I mobilize people for a great vision?

Keynotes - Much WOW, Little HOW

Who isn't familiar with the boring frontal presentations in a meeting room atmosphere? In contrast, keynotes on the big stage are usually professionally pointed and often elicit enthusiasm in the audience – WOW! But back in the office, the highlight from the keynote event quickly fades into the reality of everyday life. What's missing here is the "HOW".

How do I transfer what I've heard into my daily life?

Keynote Speaker Cancels - What Now?

A nightmare for event organizers. The event is planned for months and prepared with passion. As a highlight, a unique speaker with a promising keynote is booked and widely announced. The guests are highly anticipative. Then, shortly before the start, the bad news: the speaker cancels! Guests disappointed, host stressed. And now?

What can I do to successfully carry out my event even without the speaker?

Strong Through Crises –
Developing Resilience

Strength Through Crises Crises
Developing Resilience and Recovery Skills!

The question is not if a crisis will come, but when. This applies to both individuals and businesses, now more than ever. In a world of accelerated change, upheavals have become the norm, in life as well as in markets.
Here, the so-called "resilience" helps, the inner strength to withstand external pressures. Resilient people and teams remain strong even during crises or quickly recover afterward – like a Weeble.
The good news is: Resilience can be deliberately developed! You can learn to accept challenges and master them with a positive attitude.

Marc Wallert has experienced resilience firsthand. As a hostage, he developed mental strength. Today, he transfers his jungle strategies to your everyday life.

Strength Through Crises Crises
Recognizing and Seizing Growth Opportunities!

Even the ancient Chinese and Greeks knew: "Crises are opportunities." But these opportunities must also be "perceived," meaning recognized and seized. Only in this way can crises be truly transformed into opportunities and used for personal or business growth.
For this, the Weeble principle of "falling down, getting up, continuing" is not a good role model. Because those who continue as before after a setback risk falling into the trap of repetition. But it doesn't have to be this way! Often, crises are "necessary" – they accelerate long-overdue changes. Seize this opportunity and turn necessity into a virtue! This is how you become truly resilient.

Marc Wallert shares his personal and professional setbacks with ruthless honesty. Hard but valuable experiences – for other people as well.

Stark durch Krisen gehen - Widerstands­kraft und Aufstehkom­petenz entwickeln!

The question is not if a crisis will come, but when. This applies to both individuals and businesses, now more than ever. In a world of accelerated change, upheavals have become the norm, in life as well as in markets.
Here, the so-called "resilience" helps, the inner strength to withstand external pressures. Resilient people and teams remain strong even during crises or quickly recover afterward – like a Weeble.
The good news is: Resilience can be deliberately developed! You can learn to accept challenges and master them with a positive attitude.

Marc Wallert has experienced resilience firsthand. As a hostage, he developed mental strength. Today, he transfers his jungle strategies to your everyday life.

Stark durch Krisen werden - Wachstumschancen erkennen und ergreifen!

Even the ancient Chinese and Greeks knew: "Crises are opportunities." But these opportunities must also be "perceived," meaning recognized and seized. Only in this way can crises be truly transformed into opportunities and used for personal or business growth.
For this, the Weeble principle of "falling down, getting up, continuing" is not a good role model. Because those who continue as before after a setback risk falling into the trap of repetition. But it doesn't have to be this way! Often, crises are "necessary" – they accelerate long-overdue changes. Seize this opportunity and turn necessity into a virtue! This is how you become truly resilient.

Marc Wallert shares his personal and professional setbacks with ruthless honesty. Hard but valuable experiences – for other people as well.

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